To Hunger & Thirst- Week 3


Sunday - 10AM Worship Service, 938 Middletown Warwick Rd. Middletown, DE

Jan. 21, 2024

This month we are diving into our Prayer and Fasting series with an emphasis on the Statement "To Hunger and Thirst". In 2024 God wants us to awaken out of stagnation and comfort, moving forward with Him being saturated in His Presence - specifically His Manifest Presence. To help us get to that place we have started on January 1st a church-wide devotional "Thirsty " A 31 Day Journey to Personal Revival by Jamie Morgan. If you want to join us jump in any time and start at day one in the devotional working all the way through. On January 8th we are starting our 2024 corporate Prayer and Fast. Please see the weekly email for more details. 
Remember we encourage each other when we join together each Sunday at 10am as we are fed from Scripture and by the power of the Holy Spirit to live a life saturated in His manifest presence. Mark your calendar for January 28th 5-7pm as we Break-Fast together with Breakfast style foods and worship led by guest worship team, Kingdom Seekers.